Manage a Microsoft Teams Rooms console settings remotely with an XML configuration file

In this article

  1. Manage console settings with an XML configuration file
  2. Create an XML configuration file
  3. Supported Meeting modes App version 4.9
  4. Supported Meeting modes App version 4.8 or lower
Show 2 more

This article discusses remote management of the default settings used by a Microsoft Teams Rooms device. It discusses how to create a master settings file and links to discussions of how to place them as needed on Teams Rooms.

It is possible for you to change default settings of Teams Rooms by updating a master XML file and sending copies to the remote Teams Rooms devices.


Some features are available only on Teams Rooms devices that have been assigned a Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro license. To see which features require Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro, see Microsoft Teams Rooms licenses.

Manage console settings with an XML configuration file

At startup, if a Microsoft Teams Rooms console finds an XML file named SkypeSettings.xml located at C:\Users\Skype\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.SkypeRoomSystem_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState, it applies the configuration settings indicated by the XML file then deletes the XML file.

Depending on how many Microsoft Teams Rooms devices your enterprise has and how you choose to manage to configure them, there are several ways to place the XML configuration file. Once the file is pushed to the console, restart it to process the configuration changes. The XML configuration file is deleted after it is successfully processed. The management methods suggested for Microsoft Teams Rooms devices are discussed in:

You can use any method you like so long as you can use it to transfer files and trigger a restart on the console device. The file must be readable, writable, and delete-able by the device's local user account. Preferably it is owned by, and has full privileges granted to, device's local user. If the file permissions are not set correctly, the software can fail to apply the settings, can fail to delete the file upon successful processing, and can even potentially crash.

Create an XML configuration file

Any text editor can be used to create a settings file. The XML Elements table explains the elements shown in this sample SkypeSettings.xml (required file name) configuration file.

<SkypeSettings>  <AutoScreenShare>1</AutoScreenShare>  <HideMeetingName>0</HideMeetingName>  <AutoExitMeetingEnabled>true</AutoExitMeetingEnabled>  <AudioRenderDefaultDeviceVolume>50</AudioRenderDefaultDeviceVolume>  <AudioRenderCommunicationDeviceVolume>50</AudioRenderCommunicationDeviceVolume>  <UserAccount>    <SkypeSignInAddress>[email protected]</SkypeSignInAddress>    <ExchangeAddress>[email protected]</ExchangeAddress>    <DomainUsername>domain\username</DomainUsername>    <Password>Password!</Password>    <ConfigureDomain>domain1, domain2</ConfigureDomain>    <ModernAuthEnabled>true</ModernAuthEnabled>  </UserAccount>  <TeamsMeetingsEnabled>true</TeamsMeetingsEnabled>  <SfbMeetingEnabled>false</SfbMeetingEnabled>  <IsTeamsDefaultClient>true</IsTeamsDefaultClient>  <WebExMeetingsEnabled>true</WebExMeetingsEnabled>  <ZoomMeetingsEnabled>true</ZoomMeetingsEnabled>  <BlueJeansMeetingsEnabled>true</BlueJeansMeetingsEnabled>  <UseCustomInfoForThirdPartyMeetings>true</UseCustomInfoForThirdPartyMeetings>  <CustomDisplayNameForThirdPartyMeetings>guestname</CustomDisplayNameForThirdPartyMeetings>  <CustomDisplayEmailForThirdPartyMeetings>[email protected]</CustomDisplayEmailForThirdPartyMeetings>  <BluetoothAdvertisementEnabled>true</BluetoothAdvertisementEnabled>  <AutoAcceptProximateMeetingInvitations>true</AutoAcceptProximateMeetingInvitations>  <AllowRoomRemoteEnabled>true</AllowRoomRemoteEnabled>  <DualScreenMode>false</DualScreenMode>  <DuplicateIngestDefault>true</DuplicateIngestDefault>  <DisableTeamsAudioSharing>false</DisableTeamsAudioSharing>  <EnableRoomCapacityNotification>true</EnableRoomCapacityNotification>  <FrontRowEnabled>true</FrontRowEnabled>  <FrontRowVideoSize>medium</FrontRowVideoSize>  <FrontRowPanelDefaults>3,2</FrontRowPanelDefaults>  <SingleFoRDefaultContentLayout>1</SingleFoRDefaultContentLayout>  <DefaultFoRExperience>0</DefaultFoRExperience>  <ShowMeetingChat>true</ShowMeetingChat>  <EnablePublicPreview>false</EnablePublicPreview>  <NoiseSuppressionDefault>1</NoiseSuppressionDefault>  <SendLogs>    <EmailAddressForLogsAndFeedback>[email protected]</EmailAddressForLogsAndFeedback>    <SendLogsAndFeedback>true</SendLogsAndFeedback>  </SendLogs>  <Devices>    <MicrophoneForCommunication>Device1</MicrophoneForCommunication>    <SpeakerForCommunication>DeviceX</SpeakerForCommunication>    <DefaultSpeaker>DeviceX</DefaultSpeaker>    <ContentCameraId>Camera1</ContentCameraId>    <ContentCameraEnhancement>true</ContentCameraEnhancement>    <ContentCameraInverted>false</ContentCameraInverted>  </Devices>  <Theming>       <ThemeName>Custom</ThemeName>       <CustomBackgroundMainFoRDisplay>file name</CustomBackgroundMainFoRDisplay>       <CustomBackgroundExtendedFoRDisplay>file name</CustomBackgroundExtendedFoRDisplay>       <CustomBackgroundConsole>file name</CustomBackgroundConsole>       <CustomThemeImageUrl>file name</CustomThemeImageUrl>  </Theming>  <TeamsRoomsNewExperience>true</TeamsRoomsNewExperience>  <RemoveFoRCalendar>false</RemoveFoRCalendar>  <CoordinatedMeetings enabled="true">    <TrustedAccounts>[email protected],[email protected]</TrustedAccounts>    <Settings>      <Audio default="true" enabled="true"/>      <Video default="true" enabled="true"/>      <Whiteboard default="true" enabled="true"/>    </Settings>  </CoordinatedMeetings>  <EnableResolutionAndScalingSetting>true</EnableResolutionAndScalingSetting>   <MainFoRDisplay>       <MainFoRDisplayResolution>1920,1080</MainFoRDisplayResolution>       <MainFoRDisplayScaling>100</MainFoRDisplayScaling>   </MainFoRDisplay>   <ExtendedFoRDisplay>       <ExtendedFoRDisplayResolution>1920,1080</ExtendedFoRDisplayResolution>       <ExtendedFoRDisplayScaling>100</ExtendedFoRDisplayScaling>   </ExtendedFoRDisplay>    <EnableDeviceEndToEndEncryption>false</EnableDeviceEndToEndEncryption>  <SplitVideoLayoutsDisabled>false</SplitVideoLayoutsDisabled>

If a variable value is of the wrong type, elements are out of order, elements are unclosed, or another error is found, the XML file is badly formed. While processing a badly formed XML file, settings found up to the point where the error occurs are applied, then the rest of the file is ignored. Any unknown elements in the XML are ignored. If a parameter is omitted, it remains unchanged on the device. If a parameter value is invalid, its prior value remains unchanged.

XML elements

Expand table
<SkypeSettings>Container for all elements.Required.
<AutoScreenShare>Boolean ❷First ❶If true, auto screen share is enabled.
<HideMeetingName>Boolean ❷First ❶If true, meeting names are hidden.
<UserAccount>ContainerFirst ❶Container for credentials parameters. The sign-in address, Exchange address, or email address are usually the same, such as [email protected].
<SkypeSignInAddress>String ❷The sign-in name for the console's SfB or Teams device account.
<ExchangeAddress>String ❸The sign-in name for the console's Exchange device account. If the ExchangeAddress is omitted, the SkypeSignInAddress will not be reused automatically.
<DomainUsername>String ❷The domain and user name of the console device, for example Seattle\RainierConf.
<Password>String ❸The password parameter is the same password used for the Skype for Business device account sign-in.
<ConfigureDomain>String ❷You can list several domains, separated by commas.
<ModernAuthEnabled>Boolean ❷Disabled by default.

When set to true, the Microsoft Teams Rooms application only uses modern authentication to connect to resources and doesn't fall back to basic authentication.
<TeamsMeetingsEnabled>Boolean ❷First ❶Disabled by default.

The XML file is considered badly formed if both <SkypeMeetingsEnabled> and<TeamsMeetingsEnabled> are disabled, but it's acceptable to have both settings enabled at the same time.
<SfbMeetingEnabled>Boolean ❷First ❶Disabled by default.
<IsTeamsDefaultClient>Boolean ❷First ❶Enabled by default.
<WebExMeetingsEnabled>Boolean ❷First ❶Disabled by default.

If true, enables direct guest join experience for Cisco Webex meetings.
<ZoomMeetingsEnabled>Boolean ❷First ❶Disabled by default.

If true, enabled direct guest join experience for Zoom meetings.
<BlueJeansMeetingsEnabled>Boolean ❷First ❶Disabled by default.

If true, enabled direct guest join experience for BlueJeans meetings.
<UseCustomInfoForThirdPartyMeetings>Boolean ❷First ❶Disabled by default and uses conference room account info to join third party meetings.

If this value is set to true, you must specify both <CustomDisplayNameForThirdPartyMeetings><CustomDisplayEmailForThirdPartyMeetings> must be specified.
<CustomDisplayNameForThirdPartyMeetings>String ❸First ❶Specify guest name used to join third party meetings. Third party service will display this data in their experience and may store in their service.
<CustomDisplayEmailForThirdPartyMeetings>String ❸First ❶Specify guest email used to join third party meetings. Third party service will display this data in their experience and may store in their service.
<BluetoothAdvertisementEnabled>Boolean ❷First ❶Enabled by default.
<AutoAcceptProximateMeetingInvitations>Boolean ❷First ❶If true, proximity based meeting invitations via Bluetooth are automatically accepted. Enabled by default.
<AllowRoomRemoteEnabled>Boolean ❷First ❶If true, room remote connections are allowed. Enabled by default.
<AutoExitMeetingEnabled>Boolean ❷First ❶If true, device will automatically leave the meeting if it is the last participant remaining in the meeting. Disabled by default.
<DualScreenMode>Boolean ❷First ❶If true, dual screen mode is enabled. Otherwise the device uses single screen mode.
<DuplicateIngestDefault>Boolean ❷First ❶If true, content is shown on both screens in dual screen mode, when out of meeting.
<DisableTeamsAudioSharing>Boolean ❷First ❶Set to true to disable HDMI audio sharing to meeting participants in Teams meeting. The default is false.
<EnableCloudIntelliframe>Boolean ❷First ❶Enabled by default. If true, Cloud IntelliFrame will be enabled for the Team Room.
<EnableRoomCapacityNotification>Boolean ❷First ❶Enabled by default to provide warnings to in room participants that the room has reached capacity (this requires the room capacity be set in Exchange and a camera capable of people counting). Set to false if you wish to disable these warnings.
<FrontRowEnabled>Boolean ❷First ❶Enabled by default. If false, Front Row is disabled. For more information, see Set front row as the default layout.
<FrontRowVideoSize>StringLets you set the size of Front Row to provide more or less space for remote participant video and shared content. Possible values are smallmedium, and large. The default value is medium. For more information, see Set front row as the default layout.
<FrontRowPanelDefaults>StringLets you configure the position of the raise hand and chat components in the meeting panels to the left and right of meeting content on front-of-room displays.

To manually configure the position of the raise hand and chat components, specify the numeric values of the component that should be shown in the left and right panels respectively, separated by a comma (for example, 3,1). Panels using the same component will be ignored except for 1 Hide the panel.
  • 1 Hide the panel.
  • 2 Show meeting chat.
  • 3 Show raised hand list.
If FrontRowPanelDefaults isn't specified in dual display mode, the raise hand component is shown in the left panel and chat component is shown in the right panel. In single display mode, the left panel isn't displayed by default for front-of-room displays narrower than 21:9.
<DefaultFoRExperience>Boolean ❷First ❶Gallery View by default. Put 1 to change the default layout from Gallery View to Front Row. For more information, see Set front row as the default layout.
<EnableResolutionAndScalingSetting>Boolean ❷First ❶By default it is disabled. If you want to change your Front of Room's resolution and scaling, set it to true. If true, the display resolution and scale setting will be applied. This setting will affect both the Main FoR and Extended FoR once this setting is enabled. For more information, see Remotely configure layout, scale, and resolution on Teams Rooms displays.
<MainFoRDisplay>ContainerFirst ❶Use this container if your device is using single display mode.

In dual display mode, Main Front of Room (FoR) is a screen with the self-preview video (in meeting). <MainFoRDisplayResolution> and <MainFoRDisplayScaling> have to be set together at a time. If you only use either <MainFoRDisplayResolution> or <MainFoRDisplayScaling>, it will be ignored. For more information, see Remotely configure layout, scale, and resolution on Teams Rooms displays.
<MainFoRDisplayResolution>StringInput numeric value of Width, Height (e.g. 1920,1080). It will be ignored if your FoR does not support it. For more information, see Remotely configure layout, scale, and resolution on Teams Rooms displays.
<MainFoRDisplayScaling>NumberInput numeric value of scaling. Valid values are 100 (recommended), 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, and 500. If you input 500 and your FoR supports up to 300, it will be set to 300. For more information, see Remotely configure layout, scale, and resolution on Teams Rooms displays.
<ExtendedFoRDisplay>ContainerFirst ❶In dual display mode, Extended Front of Room (FoR) is a screen where you see shared content (in meeting). <ExtendedFoRDisplayResolution> and <ExtendedFoRDisplayScaling> have to be set together at a time. If you only use either <ExtendedFoRDisplayResolution> or <ExtendedFoRDisplayScaling>, it will be ignored. For more information, see Remotely configure layout, scale, and resolution on Teams Rooms displays.
<ExtendedFoRDisplayResolution>StringInput numeric value of Width, Height (for example: 1920,1080). A value will be ignored if your FoR does not support it. For more information, see Remotely configure layout, scale, and resolution on Teams Rooms displays.
<ExtendedFoRDisplayScaling>NumberInput numeric value of scaling. Valid values are 100 (recommended), 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, and 500. If you input 500 and your FoR supports up to 300, it will be set to 300. For more information, see Remotely configure layout, scale, and resolution on Teams Rooms displays.
<SingleFoRDefaultContentLayout>StringIn single display mode, you can set the default layout between Content+people and Content only:
  • 0 Content only
  • 1 Content+people (default)
For more information, see Remotely configure layout, scale, and resolution on Teams Rooms displays.
<ShowMeetingChat>Boolean ❷First ❶Enabled by default. If disabled, meeting chat isn't shown in any meeting layout on the Teams Rooms device.
<EnablePublicPreview>Boolean ❷First ❶Disabled by default. If true, public preview is enabled and end-users can access features in public preview on enabled Teams Rooms. See Public preview for Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows for more information.
<NoiseSuppressionDefault>StringFirst ❶Controls noise suppression levels in Teams.
  • 0 Off. Use OEM-provided noise suppression only.
  • 1 High. Suppresses all background noises (stationary and non-stationary) that aren't speech.
<SendLogs>ContainerFirst ❶
<EmailAddressForLogsAndFeedback>String ❸Sets an email address that receives logs and feedback submitted using Report a problem.
<SendLogsAndFeedback>Boolean ❷Allows logs to be sent with feedback submitted usingReport a problem. To ensure logs and feedback with larger sizes are delivered, adjust the message size restriction for your mailboxes on the Exchange admin center.
<Devices>ContainerFirst ❶The connected audio device names in the child elements are the same values listed in the Device Manager app. The configuration can contain a device that does not presently exist on the system, such as an A/V device not currently connected to the console. The configuration would be retained for the respective device.
<MicrophoneForCommunication>String ❸Sets the microphone used as the recording device in a conference.
<SpeakerForCommunication>String ❸Device to be used as speaker for the conference. This setting is used to set the speaker device used in a call.
<DefaultSpeaker>String ❸Device to be used to play the audio from an HDMI ingest source.
<ContentCameraId>String ❸Define the instance path for the camera configured in room to share analog whiteboard content in a meeting. See Locate the Content camera USB instance path.
<ContentCameraInverted>Boolean ❷Specify if the content camera is physically installed upside down. For content cameras that support automatic rotation, specify false.
<ContentCameraEnhancement>Boolean ❷When set to true (the default), the content camera image is digitally enhanced: the whiteboard edge is detected and an appropriate zoom is selected, ink lines are enhanced, and the person writing on the whiteboard is made transparent.

Set to false if you intend to send a raw video feed to meeting participants for spaces where a whiteboard is not drawn on with a pen and instead the camera is used to show sticky notes, posters, or other media.
<Theming>ContainerFirst ❶One of the features that can be applied with an XML file is a Custom Theme for your organization. You are able to specify a theme name, background image, and color.
<ThemeName>String ❸Used to identify the theme on the client. The Theme Name options are Vivid Flag Default, one of the provided preset themes, or Custom.

Custom theme names always use the name Custom. The client UI can be set at the console to the Default or one of the presets, but use of a custom theme must be set remotely by an Administrator.
Preset themes include:
Vivid Flag Default
Summer Summit
Seaside Bliss
Into The Fold
Creative Conservatory
Blue Wave
Digital Forest
Pixel Perfect
To disable the current theme, use No Theme for the <ThemeName>.
<CustomBackgroundMainFoRDisplay>String ❸Used to specify the filename of the main/right custom background image on Teams Rooms version 4.17 and later with a Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro license.

Required if <ThemeName> is set to Custom.

For more information, see Set up and manage Teams Rooms on Windows 4.17 and later custom backgrounds.
<CustomBackgroundExtendedFoRDisplay>String ❸Used to specify the filename of the extended/left custom background image on Teams Rooms version 4.17 with a Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro license.

Required if <ThemeName> is set to Custom and <DualScreenMode> is set to true.

For more information, see Set up and manage Teams Rooms on Windows enhanced custom backgrounds.
<CustomBackgroundConsole>String ❸Used to specify the filename of the touch console custom background image on Teams Rooms version 4.17 and later with a Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro license.


For more information, see Set up and manage Teams Rooms on Windows enhanced custom backgrounds.
<CustomThemeImageUrl>String ❸Used to specify a custom theme image file name on Teams Rooms version 4.16 and earlier or on devices with a Microsoft Teams Rooms Basic license. Input the file name only. For more information on custom themes, see Set up and manage Teams Rooms on Windows standard custom backgrounds.

On Teams Rooms version 4.17 and later, we recommend you use the <CustomBackgroundMainFoRDisplay><CustomBackgroundExtendedFoRDisplay>, and <CustomBackgroundConsole> elements.
<TeamsRoomsNewExperience>Boolean ❷Enable or disable the refreshed home screen design on front-of-room displays and the console. Starting with version 4.17, the refreshed home screen design is enabled by default. For more information, see Microsoft Teams Rooms home screen design refresh.
<RemoveFoRCalendar>Boolean ❷Remove the calendar on front-of-room displays. Disabled by default. For more information, see Microsoft Teams Rooms home screen design refresh.
<CoordinatedMeetings>Boolean ❷First ❶Container for the configuration elements for Coordinated Meetings. This element has one attribute:
  • enabled Determines whether Teams is configured to participate in Coordinated Meetings with other devices.
<TrustedAccounts>StringThis is a comma-separated list of UPNs for each Teams Rooms device or Surface Hub that the device should accept meeting join requests from, or to which meeting join requests should be sent.
<Settings>ContainerContainer for the configuration audio and video configuration elements for Coordinated Meetings.
<Audio>Boolean ❷Controls audio configuration on a Teams Rooms device. This element has two attributes:
  • default Determines on which device the microphone will be active when a meeting starts. Only one device (typically a Teams Rooms device) can have this field set to true while the rest of the devices must have this field set to false to avoid audio echo and feedback.
  • enabled Determines whether participants in a meeting can toggle the microphone on or off. Devices on which Audio default is set to false should have this setting set to false so that participants can't accidentally turn on a microphone and cause audio echo or feedback.

    If Audio default is set to true, the Audio enabled setting is ignored and participants can mute or unmute the microphone.

<Video>Boolean ❷Controls video configuration on a Teams Rooms device. This element has two attributes:
  • default Determines on which device the camera will be active when a meeting starts. For the best experience, we recommend that only the Teams Rooms device be set to true while all other devices are set to false.
  • enabled Determines whether participants in a meeting can toggle the camera on or off. You can set this to true on any other devices in the event participants want to share different video perspectives (such as if a participant is using the Surface Hub whiteboard). If you don't want participants to turn a camera on or off on a device, set this to false.

    If Video default is set to true, the Video enabled setting is ignored and participants can turn the camera on or off.

<Whiteboard>Boolean ❷Controls whiteboard configuration on a Teams Rooms device. This element has two attributes:
  • default Determines on which device the whiteboard will be active when a meeting starts. For the best experience, we recommend that the Teams Rooms device be set to false and that you use the whiteboard on a Surface Hub.
  • enabled Determines whether participants in a meeting can toggle the whiteboard on or off. If you don't want participants to turn the whiteboard on or off on a device, set this to false.

    If Whiteboard default is set to true, the Whiteboard enabled setting is ignored and participants can turn the whiteboard on or off.

<EnableDeviceEndToEndEncryption>Boolean ❷Default is false. Specify true to enable end-to-end encryption for one-to-one Teams calls. Both caller and recipient need to have end-to-end encryption enabled for this to work.
<SplitVideoLayoutsDisabled>Boolean ❷Default is false. This setting is only applicable to dual-display rooms. Specify true to disable splitting video gallery across both screens. This will also disable Front row layout, and any settings associated with Front row layout.

❶ All of the first-level elements are optional. If a first-level element is omitted, all of its child parameters remain unchanged on the device.

❷ A boolean flag can be: true, false, 0, or 1. Leaving boolean or numeric values empty can render the XML malformed and prevent changes to the settings.

❸ If a string parameter is present and empty, and empty is a valid value, the parameter is cleared on the device.

Supported Meeting modes App version 4.9

Skype for Business (default) and Microsoft Teams

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XML NotationXML Value

Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams (default)

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XML NotationXML Value

Skype for Business only

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XML NotationXML Value

Microsoft Teams only

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XML NotationXML Value

Supported Meeting modes App version 4.8 or lower

Skype for Business (default) and Microsoft Teams

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XML NotationXML Value

Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams (default)

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XML NotationXML Value

Skype for Business only

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XML NotationXML Value

Locate the Content camera USB instance path

To locate the instance path:

  1. Go into Windows settings on the Microsoft Teams Rooms console.
  2. Enter the admin password.
  3. From a Command Prompt, type devmgmt.msc to bring up Device Manager.
  4. In Device Manager, look in the Imaging devices node and locate the content camera.
  5. Right-click the camera, and open Properties.
  6. Select the Details tab, and locate the Device instance path property in the drop-down.
  7. The value shown is the device instance path to set in the XML configuration file. When specifying the path in XML, replace the ampersand (&) with &amp;.

See also

Content cameras

Manage Microsoft Teams Rooms

Configure a File Item